Monday, April 23, 2012

nostalgiaphiles: Summer 2005

Summer 2005

My summer before starting college I spent a lot of time in funky places watching my friends play music.

I was extremely attached to my camera..took it everywhere. I almost admire the photographer I was back then. With all the stages we shift through in our lives, this one for me was finding my eye. Everything was fascinating--shapes, colors, contrast, interactions. I'll never see like this again. Everyone always asks me what my tattoo means, and this is the closest I can think to describe it--this rite of passage. 

To get a closer look & see the whole set, visit my fickr here: Summer 2005If you see yourself and want me to send you a copy, hit me up! To conserve space, what you see here and on flickr are just contact sheets--I also have the actual individual photos offline. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Going home today...

Driving to Santa Cruz today, pining for some inspiration. I've been waiting for that perfect idea to just appear out of nothing.. times up! I'm setting a goal--this weekend, at least one roll will be dedicated to a new direction. Develop & repeat until it's there.

trying to get from here
to here

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Joshua Tree & Washington Winter

Just got back film from last week's Joshua Tree adventure, and February's Washington trip.
Feelings couldn't be more different here...

Still need to enlarge some of my favorites and develop what's still in the camera.

Nostalgia Files: Spring 2005

So I've been holding on to these contact sheets for the past few months, waiting for the perfect way to share them...and I'm not sure if this is it, but here we go! I've decided that at least once a week, until I run out of images, I am going to post contact sheets from years past. Now I've been taking pictures since my parents bought me a little toy camera in elementary school..but I didn't start to think of photography as an art medium until my senior year of high school. So that's where we'll start.

Spring 2005. 

I was taking a whole lot of photos with my old point-and-shoot digital camera, messing with the settings, playing with the colors on my computer. (& shooting a lot of black-and-white film for school, but I'll spare you that mess.. )

I was also exploring aesthetics, and you'll see a lot of these little obsessive moments where I'm trying to figure out how to photograph something so that it looks good..   

I spent a lot of time watching my awesomely talented friends play shows. 

..and I even went to my senior prom...

To get a closer look & see the whole set, visit my fickr here: Spring 2005If you see yourself and want me to send you a copy, hit me up!